Pronunciation is one of the most important aspects when we try to learn a new language. You can use high level vocabulary or grammar, but if you are not capable to transmit a clear message, in other words to be easy to understand, probably you have a problem of pronunciation. Additionally, to have a good pronunciation will help you to listen well. In this Guide, I will try to give the best things that work with me when I was a learner, but I still use now that I am an English teacher (if you are an English teacher you probably would like to read my post PRONUNCIATION: WHAT, WHY AND HOW IN THE VIRTUAL ENGLISH CLASSROOM ) . On the other side, if you try to find the ultimate key to improve your pronunciation, let me tell you that this key does not exist, but do not get discouraged you can still get better. Also, in this guide you will find some theory, yeah I know that this does not sound attractive, but I have a point, so please continue reading. In fact, in this and the future arti...